Central Baptist Church is a family, and our Adult Bible Classes are smaller groups within that family. In these classes, you will connect with others like yourself as you interact through Bible study, friendships, and activities. Regardless of your age or background, we invite you to come learn more about God’s Word through practical truths that are relevant to everyday challenges. Choose a class that fits you and your life stage, and join us each Sunday morning at 9:30 as we learn and grow together.

Ladies | approximately ages 25-59
This class is for women who are looking to take their spiritual walk to the next level. These ladies focus on how they can serve Christ and one another through the teaching of God’s Word and the developing of meaningful friendships.
Ladies | approximately ages 60+
This class of senior ladies encourages each other as they seek sweet fellowship around the Word of God. These ladies are dedicated to studying the Bible and praying for those in need.

The Men’s Class is for adults of all ages who desire to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ. This class teaches men to seek after God and follow His purpose for their lives.
Faithful Men
The Faithful Men ministry is designed to assist men in fulfilling God’s will for their lives. This ministry emphasizes Biblical manhood in the areas of leadership and the role of the husband/father.
Regular activities such as breakfasts, camp outs, and outings are scheduled throughout the year. Men for Missions Trips are taken on a bi-yearly basis. These unique trips give our men the opportunity to further the cause of world evangelism by ministering to our missionary families through construction projects and various needs. Without fail, the men return from these mission trips with hearts not only knit to each other, but also to those they’ve served.
Our Faithful Men are challenged in their daily spiritual walk to claim Philippians 3:14 which states, “I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.”

The vital PrimeTimers ministry is geared towards adults ages 55+. This enthusiastic group of friends enjoys frequent get-togethers and planned monthly activities, including road trip adventures both locally and out-of-state.
Through varied areas of service, the PrimeTimers give of their time, talents, and treasure in active ministry at CBC. These are folks who do not see ‘retirement’ as a goal, but as a greater opportunity to serve the Lord who has been faithful to them.

Young Adults
This young adults class is designed to help those in college or beginning their career as they navigate through major life decisions with biblical direction. Open to single and married alike, age 35 and under.

The Couples Class is open to engaged or married couples who are seeking to draw closer to each other by drawing closer to the Lord. Whether you are preparing for marriage, newly married or simply seeking to put God at the center of your husband/wife relationship, this class will encourage and equip you with Biblical teaching.

The Auditorium Class is a “melting pot” for many different groups. While it is largely made-up of men and women ages 50+, it is also a place for those who do not have an Adult Bible Class home, or for those who may simply feel more comfortable in a less “intimate” setting.