His Mission is Our Mission
God’s mission is a priority to us – billions of people around the globe are lost without Christ, having never heard the gospel clearly presented in their own language. Our Lord has commissioned us, as a New Testament Church, to take the good news of salvation to every nation, tongue, and people. This is a command we seek to put into practice. Central Baptist Church supports missionaries all around the globe as they evangelize the lost, disciple followers of Christ, and start local churches.

Faith Promise
Our Faith Promise initiative has been challenging members to actively contribute to the work of God around the world. We have seen nearly $2 million go toward world evangelism since Faith Promise Giving was introduced in 1989. We currently support approximately 85 missionary families (on a monthly basis), located on six continents, and have been privileged to send several of our own families abroad as they have answered God’s call on their lives.
Each September we host a World Evangelism Conference in which there is revival preaching each night, missionary families share their ministries, and we enjoy various international culture and cuisine. Ultimately we hope that hearts are stirred once again for world missions!
Please join us in praying to “the Lord of the harvest, that He would send forth labourers into His harvest.”